Heleph Coffee Exporter
Our products
Our company known based on Sourcing producing and exporting single origin coffee products in which we owns and operates washing stations in all premier coffee producing regions. Sidama, Yirgacheffe, and Guji Zone. We value our relationships with current and future customers and hope to communicate our appreciation to them through our outstanding, guaranteed coffee quality, personal service, and efficient delivery. We are currently supplying our specialty coffees to our partners and coffee importers in U.S.A, Europe, Middle East and Asia. Our commitment to our customers and the country of Ethiopia will be reflected through honest and responsible business.
Local sourcing, which is more eco-friendly
A closer relationship with your farmers & producers.
Highest level of efficiency, transparency and service quality.

Sidama Coffee
Produces exceptional washed and natural coffee, with medium-pointed to pointed-firm acidity, medium to full tactile sensation and its own distinct flavor notes of spice and citrus. The bean is small to medium sized and green-gray to blue in color. Both washed and sun-dried (natural) processed.

Yirgacheffee Coffee
a highland grown coffee recognized for its distinct character, set apart by an exceptional citrus and floral flavor. It has a firm and fine acidity, with a viscous, round, creamy and mouthful tactile sensation. When processed naturally (sun-dried), it has a pleasant aftertaste. The bean is uniform, thick, medium to bold, blue in color, oval in shape and compact. This is the most well known washed Ethiopian coffee, especially in the United States.

Guji Coffee
is one of the zones of the Oromia Region of Ethiopia. Guji is named after a tribe of the Oromo people. Guji is bordered on the south by Borena, on the west by the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples Region, on the north by the Ganale Dorya River which.

Kaffa Coffee
From which the term “coffee” is derived, is the birthplace of coffee. To this day, the Keffa region in the southwestern part of Ethiopia remains one of the strongest coffee-producing regions in Ethiopia. Historians claim that coffee spread from Ethiopia to Egypt, and then to Yemen. The earliest credible evidence of either coffee drinking or knowledge of the coffee tree appears in the middle of the 15th century, in the Sufi monasteries of Yemen. By the 16th century, it had reached the rest of the Middle East, Persia, Turkey and Northern Africa. Coffee then spread to Italy and the rest of Europe, to Indonesia, and finally to the Americas.

Limmu Coffee
With a lively medium to firm acidity and smooth to round tactile sensation, this coffee is well-known for its distinctive flavor. The bean has a uniform appearance, blue in color, medium to bold, thick in size and oblong to round in shape. Washed only, it is renowned for its good cup, sweet and spicy “wine-like” flavor and balanced body. It is highly sought by many roasters, especially in Europe and United States. It is one of the premium gourmet coffees worldwide.

Jimma Coffee
With a lively medium to firm acidity and smooth to round tactile sensation, this coffee is well-known for its distinctive flavor. The bean has a uniform appearance, blue in color, medium to bold, thick in size and oblong to round in shape. Washed only, it is renowned for its good cup, sweet and spicy “wine-like” flavor and balanced body. It is highly sought by many roasters, especially in Europe and United States. It is one of the premium gourmet coffees worldwide.
Heleph Innovative coffee producer
We own and operate more than 18 washing stations in Sidama and have more than 600 contracted coffee growers/farmers who supply coffee cherries to our washing stations.

In the washed or ‘fully washed’ style of processing, the outer skin of the coffee cherry is removed immediately after harvesting, usually the same day the cherries were picked.

This process is midway between the fully washed and natural processes described above, and produces an end-product of medium acidity and notable sweetness.

In the dry or ‘natural’ process which is the traditional Ethiopian process, coffee cherries are dried whole. This is usually done using raised ‘African’ drying beds, though some coffees are also dried on the ground, especially coffees intended for the local market.

Farmer coffee
Our Micro lot Coffee Offerings are sourced to variety-specific separations and those coffees that are traceable down to an individual farmer. Farmers are paid quality premiums for any micro lot coffee, which reflects the extra planning, effort, labor, and attention to detail required to produce it, as well as rewarding the ultimate job well done
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